
Sponsor A Needy

Change Consult Group (CCG) believes in equal access to opportunities for all. In order to support needy people, we do the following:

  • Fund those who lack certain skills and have interest to attend to attend trainings be it short term or long term but are hindered by lack of finances to cover the costs of the training. CCG uses competitive, reliable and authentic methods to identify and verify the beneficiaries of the sponsored trainings. Realizing the continuing economic challenges, CCG relies on donations from well-wishers to meet the logistical requirements for selected needy persons and sustain the initiative. 
  • We identify the vulnerable-individuals, family or community be it those who lack health care, education, proper sanitation, house to live in or capital to support their innovations for business. We have an independent committee which assesses the need and intervention and we have independent auditors who audits the donations and interventions and they issue reports to the general public . We believe in interventions which can have a long lasting impact in human beings. 

CCG tracks the beneficiaries of the sponsorship to assesses how the intervention contributed to the realization of their goals and dreams. You can read some of the change stories on how donations improve the lives of the needy on subsequent pages. At CCG, we believe in change(total positive transformation) of mankind.

CCG request your kindness to support its initiative by donating for the needy.
For more enquiries call: +265 887413540, +265 998150895, Email: