Team Building

At CCG, we conduct team building activities for organizations with the purpose of strengthening bonds between members of the group so that they are able to achieve their individual goals, departmental goals and most importantly organizational goals. We believe, for the mission of the organization to be achieved there is need for concerted efforts and network, spirit of trust, and interpersonal relations, good understanding of each other’s diverse views, beliefs, culture, background, emotions, behavior so that there is synergic effect on the operations of the organization.

Our team buildings are modelled in a way that they use 70% of outdoor activities in form of games and exercises which strengthens team bonding, mindset change and resolve intra and interpersonal problems to attain social cohesion while 30% of the activities are in form of indoor sessions where theoretical ways of doing things are shared to participates in a participatory way. The theories shared makes each person to understand how important is his role to the success of the organization and how a dysfunctional team can lead to failure of an organization. By end of each team building, each employee is able to see how important his efforts if done professionally can be and how such efforts can contribute to the success of the organization.